Wednesday, May 1, 2013


      Because the main idea of postmodernism era is relativity, saying, "Everything is subjective," artists will create more and more incomprehensible art pieces and politics will enact more and more subjective act. Artists will not consider about the appearance of their art works are whether proper or not. Many performance artists will give out more and more disgusting performance due to their subjective twisted art value. Eventually, artists will lose control and dictators will do whatever they want due to their subjective culture and opinions. The world will be threatened by postmodernism, and postmodernism will be ended because of these reasons. 

      As science goes into our daily life deeper and deeper, people start to believe truth or at least reasonable subject more than the subjects that are made based on subjective opinions. We are entering a new age. Let’s call it the Age of "Reasonism" and see how we get on.