Sunday, May 5, 2013


      Subjectivity is one of the main theme of the Postmodernism era. The subjectivity illustrates that everything is subjective and does not has one universal standard. I realized that this theme can be presented by three work pieces: Fountain by Duchamp, How to tell a good story by O'Brien and the HSBC ad campaign "Your Point of View." 

      The ready-made Fountain that made by the artist Duchamp is first considered as an ugly work piece because many people did not admit it as an art piece considering its ugliness and inappropriate appearance; however,the Fountain's art value is not expected to be judged by one universal aesthetic standard, instead it reflects the artist's alternative understanding of art. How to tell a true story examines the complex relationship between the war experience and storytelling. O’Brien’s story shows that a storyteller can shape the listeners’ experiences and opinions. O’Brien’ s story distorts our understanding of beauty and ugliness, and he states that there is no completely true story because every story is told by different ways. The HSBC ads are a group of pictures reflect the subjectivity in a way that every  group of pictures has either the same picture but different title or the same title but different pictures. 
      Those three work pieces above can carry out the main theme of Postmodernism: subjectivity.